Wednesday 23 March 2016

Bicks Reads: The Beauty Volume 1 | Review

The Beauty Volume 1
*I was provided a digital copy of this comic from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review*

The Beauty is the name of a sexually transmitted disease. When people catch it, they start to gradually get thinner, prettier, perfect in every way – at least on the outside. Many noticed the benefits to this disease and have contracted it purposefully in order to become more desirable. Well, wouldn't you? However, two detectives come to realise that some ugly consequences can be a side effect of this too good to be true physical fix. 

I find comics/graphic novels trickier to read, the layout isn't something I'm used to as I was brought up on novels, but I whizzed through this volume, even shushing Noah when he tried to interrupt me. The intriguing concept was what reeled me in and the originality had me hooked. 

From the storyline to the artwork this was brilliantly done. A not so subtle comment on modern society, it's a story that really makes you think throughout and leaves you wondering what you would do in such a scenario. At the beginning even I was thinking, would I do that given the chance? As a reader you're forced to ask questions about yourself and those around you. It's obvious that if The Beauty existed in our own world there would be many who would opt in to catching the disease without a second thought (the likes of the Kardashians spring to mind) proving that, although fiction, the concept of this comic is not as far fetched from reality as we might initially think. 

Published by Image Comics Inc, co-written by Jeremy Haun/Jason A. Hurley and illustrated by Jeremy Haun, the collection contains issues 1-6 in the series. 

I rated this volume 5 stars out of 5 on Good Reads. The release date for this collection was yesterday, 22nd March 2016 and it is available to buy on Amazon here. I recommend The Beauty to anyone who wants a quick read that's both thought provoking and original. 

Bicks x

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