Monday 4 April 2016

Happy Thoughts

A little round up of what's been putting a smile on my face recently

The Duck Pond. -I will never tire of this park. 
  • It was Easter last Sunday and although we had no actual Easter eggs, Noah and I made Easter nests together. Then this weekend my dad came down to visit for the day and surprised us with late eggs from my mum (she never forgets) so lots of chocolate has been consumed!
  • Lettuce has literally come out as a boy!... This sounds like nonsense, but seriously, there's no denying it now!
  • After what feels like a year long slump, I've finally gotten back into reading for fun again! I've read 10 books in March (including graphic novels) and I'm quite happy with that!
  • Following on from my last point, I will be regularly posting book reviews on here. There will be a mixture of fiction, non-fiction, graphic novel and short story collections. (You can check out my review of The Beauty here) This is one of the thing I've wanted to do on this blog since the beginning. 
  • We've been marathoning doctor who from the beginning because I haven't seen any since Peter Capaldi started an Noah hasn't seen any since before then! But we've been getting so into it. Last night we watched the Van Gogh episode and there were tears all round. 
  • Spring is here and the April showers have also arrived. This might not seen like something to be happy about, but I really enjoy listening to the sound of rain when I'm studying or reading or falling asleep. 
  • I've been blogging for just over a year now and I hadn't even realised until yesterday, oops!
Bicks x

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