Thursday 17 March 2016

March Life Update.

Hi there!

I've been absent from my blog for a couple of weeks. I'd love to say that it's just because of a uni-work overload, but it's not. I've been feeling very down and really struggling to pick myself back up again. This sometimes happens to me so it's no shocker, but it's something that I dislike about myself a lot and I have to remind myself that it's not entirely my fault. It's partly because of this really horrible thing that I and many others unwillingly have problems with. I've briefly spoken about mental health on here before, however I'd like to keep the conversation going. I plan on posting more about it all and perhaps my own personal experiences too (maybe).

It's not all doom and gloom though, I've been spending a lot of time with Lettuce. She's been good company and she's stopped biting my feet as much as she used to (I'm taking this to mean that after two and a bit years she finally kinda likes me). We've changed up her diet slightly and she's doing really well on it. 

I've started up meditation and yoga again in a effort to feel better and although I'm not miraculously cured or anything, I have been finding it helpful to put things into perspective and relax. I'm slowly teaching myself to knit as well when I can and so far I've made an almost matching pair of basic fingerless gloves and attempted to arm-knit a scarf. 

I volunteered to help at a few events at the Bath Literature Festival last week which was a really good experience and I heard lot's of interesting people talk. I also got to meet Isy Suttie, AKA Dobby from Peep Show, at the end of her event and she signed my copy of her book which was cool. 

Whilst I've been shut inside, mainly living in a blanket eating homemade soup, I've been discovering lots of new shows, podcasts, music and other fun things, so you can expect to see some of that coming up soon. I now have three weeks off from uni so after cramming so much work the last couple of weeks, I intend to spend some time just chilling with friends and making myself happy. 

Bicks x

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