Sunday 14 February 2016

Just some happy thoughts

Today is Valentines day and for some that means cute romantic gestures, for others its any other Sunday. Whether you're spoken for or single I hope you are having a wonderful day. Here are a few happy thoughts:

  • First of all I am so lucky to have my wonderful partner who treats me like a princess, calls me out on my BS and keeps me sane. <3 He's been at work all day today so we're gunna have a nice evening in with a film and some dinner. 
  • My Dad and sister came down to visit yesterday and we had a nice day out and about in Bath (we spent most of it in the very large Waterstones tbh).
  • My little sis' Julia is staying for a couple of days and we spent this afternoon baking those yummy biscuits pictured above!
  • I'm going back to my hometown for a few days to see some family and friends (mainly my dog Pippa tho).
  • We saw the little piggies the other day and their little faces just make me fill up with happiness. I can't wait until they can come home to us.
  • I've started running with the Couch to 5K app. It's hard, but surprisingly not as horrible as I thought it would be.
  • I'm half way through my second term of my second year at university, which means I'm halfway through my degree... This makes me feel happy and a bit sick at the same time!
Bicks x

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