Wednesday 6 July 2016

Bicks Listens | Bat For Lashes - The Bride

So on 1st July Bat For Lashes new album was released and it did not disappoint. It's Natasha Khan's fourth album and for the first time she has created a concept album. Being a fan of hers since her first album, 'Fur And Gold' (2006), her new release was very highly anticipated.

'The Bride' tells the story of a woman who is left at the alter after her husband tragically dies in a car crash on the way to the ceremony. We see how this woman's day goes from the best to the worst of her life and how she reacts, feels and grieves afterwards.

At the beginning she is in shock, then becomes obsessed and completely lost, before eventually accepting what has happened and trying to move on in her life. As a listener at some points of the story you are empathetic and grief-stricken with her and in others you might question the brides sanity.

This is a wonderfully diverse album as no two songs sound alike. There's a haunting gothic vibe in 'Never Forgive The Angels' and 'Widows Peak', sweet soft tracks like 'I Do' and 'In your bed', as well as more upbeat and electronic sounds from 'In Gods House' and 'Sunday Love'. It's original, dark, and beautiful all at once and in places has a sort of Heathcliff and Cathy feel to it.

Favourite tracks: Sunday Love, Close Encounters.

'The Bride' is available on iTunes, Spotify, all the usual places. Bat For Lashes is performing at various festivals throughout September/October time and you can find out where here.
If you're interested, here's a link to a really insightful interview with Natasha Khan on Lenny Letter.

Bicks x

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