Saturday 5 September 2015

Sunday Walking

I was dog sitting Pippa and Flint at my parents' house when I was home a couple of weeks ago, and I admit that because I'd also been busy catching up with people, I hadn't been able to walk them as often as I should have. However, to try and make up for this I took them for a really long walk to the local fields one Sunday morning.
They met up with their friend George who they are both very familiar with. There was lots of running after balls and treat giving for being nice – Pippa has a habit of attacking strange dogs, but she didn't once! By the end of it we were all worn out and ready to go home. I was so proud of them both for being so well behaved, even if I was carrying around little bags of poop the whole time! 
Both Pippa and Flint are very happy and loving dogs they just get a bit over-excited or wary when they meet a new dog they don't know. They've had some training since I was last home and it's definitely working. It's lovely to be able to take them both out and let them off the lead without the fear that one of them might not come back and the other might end up hurting another dog. My mum often takes them on this route so they felt safe and confident the whole time, which definitely helped.

Seeing the pups is definitely my favourite part of going home, even though they can be a bit of a handful some times. I always miss them so much when I'm back in Bath so it was great fun to get to play with them and have furry cuddles in the mornings!

Bicks xx

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