Wednesday 26 August 2015

5 ways to de-stress

One thing we'll all have to deal with in life at one time or another is stress. They say stress is the biggest killer and there's no running away from it, but there are some things you can do to help you recover. Here's a few of my own personal favourite ways to de-stress:

1. Eat well - Whether you choose to binge on chocolate and ice cream to cheer yourself up or force yourself to eat healthy to give your immune system a boost, it is important to make sure that you are eating enough. When I'm having a bit of a rough or busy time I sometimes get so distracted by everything else that I forget to eat. Of course this ends up making me feel worse, so it's good to take some time out to treat myself to some junk food or remind myself that a wholesome meal can work wonders for my health and mood.

2. Get creative - Literally anything that is nothing to do with work or other stuff you've got going on is a great distraction. Try things like painting, sewing, baking  or composing a song! If like me, you're not very artistic or musical then a great way to be creative is to write! This could be blog posts, starting a diary, writing a story, reviewing a film/book or even just making lists. Another thing I've been loving recently is colouring in. It's artsy, but still great fun for someone like me who can't draw to save their life!

3. Have a cuddle - Cuddle your boyfriend, your mates, your family or even just cuddle yourself! A bit of company is great, but when there's no one around don't let that make you miss out. Make a blanket fort, put a comfy warm jumper on and settle down with a nice cuppa. Pet's are also great cuddle buddies. Big or small a bit of affection will help both of you and also build trust between you and your fur baby. 

4. Pamper yourself - Have a bath or shower and use your favourite products. Take the time to use a hair mask, moisturise your skin or have a relaxing face mask. Do your nails, ask your friend or partner to come along and give each other a massage. Pop on your favorite Disney film or trashy T.V. program before you go to bed and settle down with a hot chocolate (mini marshmallows and sprinkles included!)

5. Reconnect - It's far too easy for us to get wrapped up in our own little lives and forget about the people that we love. Call your parents, give your cousin a text and see how they're doing, message an old friend and arrange a catch up (even if you never actually get around to it, at least you're reaching out!) My best friends all live in different places and we all have a lot going on in our lives so we don't talk as often as we'd like. However, when we get a chance we'll have a big ole chat and it's like we'd seen each other yesterday. It's also a great excuse to get a few things off your chest and open up about what is actually stressing you out, whilst also lending an ear to your mate - let's face it they could probably do with the moan too!

That's the end of my little list. These are the ways I like to chill and have some time out, what do you like to do to help you relax?

Bicks x

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