Friday 7 August 2015

Moving In...

If you follow this blog then you may have noticed that I've been a little scarce. Noah and I picked up the keys to our our new place a few weeks ago and it's taken us a while to get all our stuff moved down and ourselves settled in. It's been stressful at times and involved spending two weeks sleeping on a blow up mattress and almost a month without a working oven, but it's finally all sorted out!
Another reason I've not been online much (apart from not having any wifi) is that I have started a new job! It's just a little part time thing to have a bit more free cash for extras and treats, but I'm really enjoying it and the people I work for/with are proper lovely too.
Just a short post for today to explain myself and also remind the world that I still exist! There'll be more about the new flat and what I've been up to recently to come shortly.

Bicks xx

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