Monday 29 June 2015

Seasonal Goals: Summer

Wow, three months has just disappeared in front of me!

Last seasons goals:
  • Successfully complete my first year of university
    This is the one that I haven't completed. Yet. I still have a few bits of work that I've got extensions for to hand in over summer. I fell behind due to my health and my tutors have been so helpful and supportive during this time.
  • Move into a new house/flat
    We found the most perfect place for us in the city centre with a huge garden. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be and that landlord changed their mind. However, Noah and I have found somewhere even better and we officially move in, in two weeks! *Excited happy face!*
  • Make meditation a regular thing in my life
    I have been meditating often. I haven't quite managed every day, but two or three times a week is how I roll right now. 
  • Call my parents more often
    This one I have definitely achieved, I call my dad all the time and speak to my mum at least once a week,
  • Drink more water
    I've been carrying a water bottle with me everywhere I go! I feel much better for it and my skin has become less dry, which is something I've always struggled with.
  • Keep this blog updated
    I have sort of stepped away from my blog for a few weeks because of few reasons. Mainly because I've been really busy with uni stuff and that needed my full attention. 
Four out of six isn't too bad. I think I thought it would be much easier to complete all of these things, but three months can really fly by - especially if you're busier than usual! Let's see if I can do better this season.

Summer Goals:
  • Finish off the last of my uni work.
  • Start reading Clarissa by Samuel Richardson. It's for uni and it's a beast!
  • Eat fresher, friendlier and healthier meals. (By 'friendlier' I mean free range, local etc.)
  • Start working out and actually sticking too it!
  • Explore more of Bath and Bristol. I've been here for almost a year now and I seem to stick to the same places, so I need to branch out and discover what else is out there!
  • Actually keep this blog updated and plan ahead with my posts. 
Bicks xx

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