Thursday 23 April 2015

Happy Earth Day!

So I'm a little late in posting this as I've been working on an essay all day, but I think this is an important topic to talk about!
Earth day is used to raise awareness about the current issues of our planet and also a reminder to appreciate it and treat it as best as we can. 
I think it's becoming clearer and clearer that, unfortunately, we as a species are not making enough effort to protect our home! So here are a few small things that everyone can do to help planet Earth out! :)


So it's really tempting to be lazy and just buy whilst on the go, it's really not that much effort to carry a bottle of water or juice around with you. Invest in a nice long lasting flask or bottle to use and reuse everyday! It's the same with shopping bags, they don't call 'em bags for life for nothing! Find new uses for old items, such as making old milk cartons into flower pots or storage containers! Not only will this help save the planet, it'll help save some pennies too! 

Be kind to animals

Walking through nature is brilliant, but we need to remember that we're walking into the habitat of many other creatures. Be careful when straying from footpaths not to accidentally damage animal homes and try to leave the area as it was. Make sure not to leave any rubbish or harmful substances behind. If you have a garden put out a bird feeder/bath for them to enjoy! In general be nice to animals and always treat them with respect. 

Eat better.
Buy locally sourced meat and vegetables. Not only is this good for your local community by stopping big corporations from wiping out local shop owners, it is also good for the environment. A lot of food that can be bought in a supermarket has traveled thousands of miles to get here. The constant use of air-crafts to transport fruit, veg and meat over to the UK adds to the worlds air pollution and climate change. If you eat fish, make sure to buy fish that is caught in a sustainable, humane way and is in season, as our oceans are suffering from being over-fished! 

This is just a short list, but these simple and small efforts will really help contribute to the preservation of our wonderful planet. It's important to remember that Earth is our home and without it we could not live. A lot of the damage done to the Earth is because of us humans, so it is our duty to protect it from further harm. 

Bicks xx

*All images from Google

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