Tuesday 24 March 2015

Three Ways To Be Healthier!

As as student I'm currently in no position for a fancy diet or gym membership, so having a healthy lifestyle can sometimes be difficult. I am no expert in fitness or nutrition at all, but I've compiled a very short list of simple things that have made me feel healthier as a result.

1. Switch to brown. 
The first week or two you're probably gunna hate it, but switching from white processed bread, rice and pasta to wholesome brown is one of the best things you'll ever do. For me the bread is the hardest to switch because it does have a distinctly different taste and texture. Also who doesn't love a good crusty white roll with their soup! However, I've actually come to prefer brown rice and pasta these days. I find that I feel fuller for longer yet less bloated than if it were white. Give it a go, see if you notice the difference! 

2. Water water water! 
Look let's be honest, no one drinks as much water as they probably should and people that claim they do are probably lying.
It's really good for you to drink a lot of water though, because it helps flush out all the toxins in your body, cuts down snacking throughout the day, allows you to concentrate better and leaves your skin nice and hydrated! (There are loads of other reasons too, have a Google.)
Carry a bottle around with you/in your bag and keep refilling throughout the day. You should start to feel the benefits after just a few days!

3. Explore your surroundings! 
Recently money's got tighter and waiting on buses sucks, so I've started walking a lot more and on my travels I've also started to notice a lot more. A few weeks ago, a couple of friends and I decided to get away from the city, so we picked a direction and just walked. We ended up breathless, at the top of quite a large hill with a view of the entire city and it was fantastic. The next day my legs and butt were so sore, I'd been exercising without realising! And if nature's not really your thing, don't worry. Have a little wander around the town centre or rural areas to see what you can discover. Who knows, you might find a new favourite bookshop or cafe?

This all may seem a bit obvious, but that's the point. Anybody can make these changes!
What simple changes have you made to improve your health?

Bicks xx

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