Tuesday 31 March 2015

Rain rain go away 498

I'm back in my hometown to see my family for the Easter holidays and the weather here has been absolutely awful. On this particularly wet day I decided to pamper myself by trying one of my new nail polishes and there's nothing more appropriate for today than Rimmel London's Rain rain go away by Rita Ora!
The label claims that it's a fast drying, super shine polish and I'm very pleased to say that it lived up to expectations. The thick brush makes it easy to apply and it literally does dry in 60 seconds! I did need to apply two coats to get the desired look, but that's my own preference and unlike other polishes I've tried the product doesn't go gloopy when applying multiple coats. 
I love the shade because it's quite subtle and I'm hoping to use decals over the top of it when they get here. It says that it will supposedly last up to 10 days without chips, so we'll see how that goes, but either way I dont mind as it's very quick to apply. I picked it up for £2.99 from Superdrug (I'm sure you can find it elsewhere too) and for that price I'm very happy.

Bicks xx

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