Thursday 22 October 2015

Easy Step By Step Pumpkin Soup

My dad grew some pumpkins and brought me a couple down when they visited. I love pumpkin and I also love soup, so here's my home made pumpkin soup for beginners. 
First you need your ingredients:
1 small pumpkin, cut up into small chunks 
A handful of new potatoes, also cut into chunks  
1onion chopped finely 
A table spoon of butter 

Melt the butter into a large sauce pan. 

Add the onions and cook until they start to go soft and see through. 

Once the onions are done, add the pumpkin and potatoes to the pan and mix them up. Pop the lid on and leave on low heat for about 15 minutes. 

Come back and add about a kettles worth of hot water. Mix and allow the vegetables to boil through for another 15 to 20 minutes. During this time add your preferred herbs/spices to taste. 
I used spiced cajan, Salt and pepper (I didn't have much else to hand), but you can use whatever you'd like. If you're adding garlic to this recipe then it's best to pop it in at the beginning with the onion. 

Eat with some nice crusty bread, I chose to have a small garlic stick :) 
Bicks xx 

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