Tuesday 11 August 2015

Trying to be healthy: Snack Time

I have a huuuge sweet tooth and my dentist is far too aware of this unfortunately! I've been trying to be more selective of what I'm eating and snack on less sugary nasty stuff like Tangfastics (even thought they are proper yummy). Also healthy stuff is much better for you in general and seems to keep me fuller for longer. I'm not into loads of prep work when I'm eating so below are a few of my recent favs that require literally no effort. 
Right I know they are full of sugar, but I cannot get enough of cherries at the moment. I'm now working in a green grocers and we sell so many varieties of these babies. These are the freshest and sweetest I've tasted in a long while. Trust me, it really does pay to shop local and independent, there's no way you'd get such nice fruit from a supermarket. (I've worked in both and I know how it's kept/treated by lazy staff!)

I found some small packets of seeds, nuts, berries and yogurt coated fruit in the pound shop the other day and bought 3 packets. I've been snacking on these all week and I still have some left so it was a bit of a bargain. I usually have these mid morning when I've either not had time for breakfast or I'm extra hungry that day. 

Sugar snaps. Some people like to cook them, but really they taste best straight out of the packet when they're fresh. I've been carrying these around with me when I'm out and about in a little sandwich bag. They're super sweet and high in vitamins and fibre, they're full of goodness!

What are your favourite healthy snacks? Let me know in a comment below.

Bicks xx

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