Sunday 12 April 2015

Meet my not-so-furry friends!

So last week I showed you my cute little piggies! This week I'd like to introduce you to my hairless but equally awesome little friends. They're like actual little dinosaurs!


We've had Lettuce for almost a year now although she's coming up to five years old. A friend of mine could no longer keep their tortoise, so of course we jumped at the chance to look after her! People always expect tortoises to be slow and boring pets. In actual fact Lettuce is an adventurous, independent, sassy little lady, and she's also pretty fast. She spends most of the day escaping from her pen, stomping around making a mess, biting people's toes and generally getting into mischief! And she loves her food too! We give her lots of veg (although she's not actually allowed lettuce) and she always dives straight into it. Most of the time she's happy to be exploring on her own, but sometimes when it gets a bit cold before bed time she does enjoy a little cuddle. Well as much as you can cuddle a tortoise anyway!


People's assumptions of bearded dragons can be a bit off too. Kano is a fascinating little guy, but he doesn't do a lot. He does do funny little things every now and then though. He likes to chill in his vivarium, on your shoulder and by the window sill soaking up the sun. We feed Kano worms and other bugs that hop around as well as some veg (which he mainly refuses to eat). He's a cool guy but he's quite shy and he finds most things a bit scary. Noah bought him about 3 years ago and it's taken him a little while, but Kano's finally started trusting me enough to handle him on my own now which is great!

So that's about it for our little family, sometimes referred to as The Ark (because my boyfriend's called Noah, get it? I'm funny... kinda). They can't hang out together in case they spread harmful germs or accidentally injure each other, but I've seen Kano watching Lettuce from his viv and the guinea pigs and Lettuce are well aware of each other too which is nice for them, We're hoping to add more members to our animal family, but there won't be any new additions for quite some time as we're moving and need to get settled first. 

I hope you enjoyed meeting all my little friends. Tell me about yours in a comment below? :)

Bicks xx

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