Friday, 26 August 2016

Education, Currently Reading and Future Blog Posts.

I feel like I have been 'blogging' and writing in general more than usual, even though I've not been posting very much. I thought I'd have a little catch up post to explain and just have a general update. Life's been hectic and slow at the same time. I don't know if that actually makes sense, but it's how it feels.


I've mentioned on here before that among other things I've been really struggling with University. I am happy to say that I have finally managed to hand in my first year work a year later than planned. I did this in a very backwards way and by that I mean that I buried my head in the sand and ignored it until I literally could not anymore. Because it's only first year work, the most important thing is that it got done and not so much the grades, however this isn't going to be the case for second and third year. I need to work to a schedule, get over my fears and dive in as soon as possible.

I have really big problems with failure or rather the thought of failure, I never actually allow myself to fail because I usually quit while I'm ahead (the unhelpful thinking of 'well just not doing it it's not as bad as trying and failing' which is bullshit). This happened with sixth form (twice), college and then almost university. 

Ughh this is not meant to be a sob story, it's not. It's a happy story because I'm learning how to deal with my issues with education and I'm improving. Some people are just naturally good at things and I don't think I'm one of them, but it's cool because I know what I want and I now know how to get there.
Education, university catch-up

Current Reads

I ordered The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King a little while ago from Amazon. I had to buy this second hand because it's not currently published in the UK, which is a bit rubbish. I heard about this book from Mercedes (Mercy's bookish musings) and I just felt such an urge to read this book. Right now, I'm only a couple of chapters in, but I'm finding that the writing style is easy to read, but some of the content can be a bit hard to swallow. That's of course to be expected from any book about the history of the indigenous peoples of North America... Will definitely be reviewing this one.

I'm also a couple hundred pages into Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire which I'm enjoying, obviously! It's really funny to see how Hermione is handling the exploitation of house elves. It reminds me of a lot of people that try to help other groups of people with the best intentions, but not actually finding out if that is what they really want. I also think it's interesting how Ron finds it laughable that house elves should be paid for their work. He's obviously grown up around it and that's very reflective of how some people often dismiss contemporary views on certain topics IRL. I always get something new from these books every time I read them, I think especially now as an adult.

I picked up You Can't Keep A Good Woman Down by Alice Walker and I read the first story in this collection. I plan on taking it with me when I go home because I don't think I'll have a chance to read a long book when I'm not travelling. (I haven't decided which big book to take for the train yet.)

I'm also reading Northanger Abbey still. I actually haven't picked it back up in ages. I'm currently a quarter of the way through and I'd like to finish it over the next few weeks.
Reading old books

Future Posts

I have a series of posts that I'm working on about my experience of re-reading Roald Dahl books. After reading The BFG for Booktubathon I really wanted to rediscover some of his other works. Much like I said about Harry Potter, I feel like I get a completely different reading experience from these books as an adult, so I thought it would be cool to document that.

I have a few reviews that I'm planning to write over the next couple of weeks. I bought and read The Cursed Child, but I'm not so sure that I want to review it. I read it in one day and I had some very strong feelings about this script that I've tried to keep offline as much as I can until I've had time to think about it properly. I don't know if the hype is gone now and people might not necessarily be interested and I don't know what kind of response my opinions might get either, so we'll see.

blogging plans, planning my blog
I have a few non-book related posts that I'd like to do also. I've been watching a few things that I want to talk about and some general life things too. Probably going to post a few more of these personal thought posts in the future. They're not very well constructed or thought out, but I like doing them, so there! I'm not entirely sure when any of these posts will actually appear though...

Bicks x

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