So I know a few people like to vlog during their readathons and I think that's a really cool way to wrap up. However, I don't make video content yet (we'll see...), I write on my blog. So this is going to be a sort of blog-vlog of my first booktube-a-thon experience!
17/07/16 (Day 0)
I'm just going through the tag on twitter and seeing that Germany has just started the readathon! Less than an hour to go and I'm not sure what to read. I'm thinking one or two stories from Vampires In The Lemon Grove, A couple of poems from Ariel and perhaps a little BFG before bed? Noah and I don't need to be up early tomorrow which works out well. The idea is to start reading past midnight so when I wake up I'll feel as though I've got a head start – even though the readathon actually does start at midnight, but shhh my morning brain has no logic!
18/07/16 (Day 1)
I read 123 pages last night. I was hoping for more but I was just too tired. 48 pages of BFG, 53 pages of VITLG and 22 pages of Ariel. I enjoy mixing and matching, especially with short stories and poetry. I like to dip in and out of them rather than consume a whole collection in one go.
So today didn't go as planned. I was hoping to spend the majority of the day reading, but adult life happened (bills, council tax, doctors etc.) so I haven't gotten through very much. It's been really hot and uncomfortable today too which doesn't help but I read a little BFG earlier and another story from VITLG. I woke up quite late today though so I'm thinking of just reading in bed for a few hours. Let's see if I can knock a couple of books off of my list.
19/07/16 (Day 2)
HAHA. I really have no idea why I'm taking part in a readathon when I'm literally not reading any more than I usually would. Some people have read quite a few hefty novels by now and the only book I've completed is a graphic novel!
I read Beautiful Darkness at like 4am this morning because I couldnt sleep and then I majorly overslept today. Beautiful Darkness is exactly what its title suggests, its has really cute and pretty illustrations and a very dark and disturbing story.
I'm almost finished the BFG now I have about 40 pages left so I won't take me long at all. Noah wants to go to the park today to catch pokemon (he's just downloaded Pokemon Go this morning, but I can't get it on my old iPhone 4 ughhhh), so I think I'll be taking either Ariel with me or make a start on The Book Collector. I know a lot of people like to concentrate on one book at a time, but I'm quite happy to have a few things on the go at the same time.
20/07/16 (Day 3)
I really messed up my sleep pattern yesterday and now I'm only just about to go to bed. It's so warm at the moment which I think is why, but oh well. Anyway, I finished The BFG this afternoon and then we went to the park for a little bit and I read up to page 34 of The Book Collector which isn't a lot, but it's a nice quick read so I'm hoping to get that finished tomorrow afternoon. I read a few more poems from Ariel and that's about it.
21/07/16 (Day 4)
So yesterday I didn't do any reading, today I didn't do any reading. Noah's best mate is down to visit so we were quite busy and it just felt rude to sit in the corner with a book. Also I'm someone who likes to read in silence or at least minimal noise and that doesn't happen when you live in a studio flat and have guests staying.
22/07/16 (Day 5)
I have a lot of reading to get done today to get back on track. I've got a couple of other things to get done today, but I'm aiming to finish The Book Collector, Ariel and Vampires In The Lemon Grove (if I'm lucky) today/tonight. We'll see.
25/07/16 (End)
I kind of gave up on Booktube-A-Thon halfway through the week because I was having a really great time with it, but then life just happened and it took a back seat. I did read three complete books, The BFG, Ariel and Beautiful Darkeness. None of these are particularly challenging reads (a children's story, poetry collection and graphic novel), but I did enjoy trying to achieve the specific challenges and having the chance to pick up certain books that I mightn't have otherwise.
So I finished three challenges all together as well as getting almost halfway through two other books, Vampires In The Lemon Grove and The Book Collector. I'm going to get those finished this week, perhaps have a few reviews coming up soon.
I started off feeling so excited to do this readathon, but since I got off track only a few days in, by Friday I just wasn't feeling it and so I decided to leave it at that. I wasn't prepared for this week since I decided to join in last minute and totally forgot that Noah had his friend coming to stay. I probably will give this another shot next year though. I absolutely loved rereading The BFG! Its such a funny lovely story and I forgot so many things about it so that was great. Of course, Ariel was beautiful, I have read a few of Plath's poems before in school/uni so I knew I would love this collection. Beautiful Darkness was not at all what I was expecting, but I still liked it, not my favourite though. I'm finding the short story collection really slow to get through, but really enjoying The Book Collector.
How did your Booktube-A-Thon week go?
Bicks x
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